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May 31, 2024 2 min read

We’ve got a new affirmation to explore this quarter - I Am Air.

I am Air? I’m not gonna lie, parachuting into this affirmation feels risky as a person with my feet firmly on the ground. I’m a Virgo after all. One of my favorite hobbies is making and completing to-do lists, which feels different than soaring through the sky.

This spring, however, I attended an Oula One Empowerment Weekend. In addition to learning the basics of the wonderful fusion of dance, yoga, pilates and uniqueness that is Oula One, I learned that the playlist is centered around the elements. The Air element comprises the final section of each Oula One class, and asks us to look at expansiveness, lightness, and freedom. Movements focus on stretching, expanding, and breath.

As someone who holds my breath when I’m concentrating, exploring the air space has been helpful both for my Oula practice and for other areas of my life. In this quarter’s newsletter, our contributors explore the expansiveness of “I am Air”. 

Featured here is an exploration of I Am Air in Oula through a themed playlist brought to you by the Oula Choreo team and that playlist danced by Danesa on the Online Studio so you can dance along.

We’ve also got a new feature called “Oula Insights” where we ask an Oulakin five questions. This quarter we feature Nina Halverson from Twin Cities, who shares for her I Am Air is to be “soft and gentle while so very strong and turbulent when needed to break free of the cages we live within.” 

If you want to explore the expansiveness and possibility within Oula, you won’t want to miss Rochelle Laumer’s wonderful piece on disability and the future of Oula. In addition to sharing her passion for bringing Oula to the disability community, Rochelle shares some practical tips we can all take part in to make Oula more inclusive for the disability community.

Happy June! And oh yeah, Happy Pride! While you’re shopping make sure to pick up this year’s Pride shirt in our online merch store.

See you in the Oulaverse!


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