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May 01, 2021 1 min read

Happy May Day, and the first day of our newest affirmation, #iamlimitless.  We chose this affirmation for May because everything in nature shows us what limitless looks like.  What once, not long ago, was dead or dormant is now awake and alive with new growth and the promise of flowers, fruit and nourishment for both the body and the soul.  The sky in the northern hemisphere is lit up longer and longer into the evening and the warm weather invites us to stay outside late to gaze at the stars- the ultimate representation of limitlessness.  This is my very favorite month of the whole year!

To reflect on this affirmation at Oula, we want to see what makes you feel limitless.  We would love your own feeds and this space to be filled with images of what limitless looks like to you and why. Sometimes it can be helpful to explore and understand your own limitations to help you unlock your sense of limitlessness, so I know that this month I will also be looking at my limitations- self-imposed or otherwise- to find ways to become more limitless. And let’s be honest... as restrictions lift and we get the virus under control and vaccines administered, it’s hard not to feel a sense of possibility, hope and limitlessness for what is to come!

xo Kali

#iamlimitless #iamoula

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