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December 28, 2024 3 min read

This quarter, we sit down with Oula's CEO, Heather Hughes

What’s your story?

I’m well grounded. And by that I mean I am short. My hair is more silver than brown. My eyes are green but I had a boyfriend as a teenager who sang "Brown Eyed Girl" to me more than once, even after I clarified that my eyes were not brown. We broke up, thankfully. My husband is aware of this story, and he only plays that song if he wants me to raise an eyebrow. 

My days are usually spent working, thinking about work, or wondering what work I am not getting done. I am only occasionally a martyr about it. Mostly joking… wink. 


What Oula song do you most enjoy dancing to (right now) and what do you like about it?

There are too many good ones! But I do love the moody back-half of the playlist. Gimme those gritty songs where the lyrics feel visceral--songs like "Shadow" and "I Am Here." Most of all, I like when we all yell-sing together! I like to imagine us all elevating the vibration of the world just with the reverb of our collective voices in Oula.


An Oulakin is visiting your town for the first time ever! What should they do/see/eat?

My little town of Hamilton, MT, is worth the visit! We are tucked in a beautiful valley and I live across from the river. When you come, look for theStar WarsDeath Star fire pit that is in my front yard. That’s how you know you have arrived. We can rest a while or opt to hike up in the canyons. If you are very adventuresome, you can hike or climb without me and then tell me all about it. My body is somewhat breakable and I will really appreciate hearing your stories when you return. Then we can roast s’mores by the Death Star because it is functional as well as fun.


What has been the most powerful part of your Oula experience this year?

Camp Oula in September was amazing. Specifically, a beloved Oulakin helped me heal a bit from some carried grief. I was so grateful. And the cold plunging--so exhilarating! It was all lovely: Canoeing, chatting by the fire, dancing, dancing, dancing! It was much needed respite and my whole being soaked up the beauty and peace safely tucked in a cabin in one of our stunning Montana National Forests.


What book, podcast, tv show, or movie do you recommend for fellow Oulakins?

Background: I live in a home of geeks. We watch anime, play video games, go to comic-con, read sci-fi/fantasy, and play cards. 

We are currently re-watching all ofStar Wars because we have an exchange student with us this year and she has never watched the films. Thematically, it feels validating and appropriate to watch something that centers its message on hope despite the abuse of power, the sacrifice and pain caused by autocracy, the indomitable spirit of resistance when confronted by darkness, and the constancy of love through it all. I recommend the rewatch.Lord of the Rings is next for similar reasons. After that, I am open to suggestions!


Anything else you’d like to share?

I am grateful to be in Oula spaces, whether solving admin issues or dancing in the back row or simply knowing we exist while working any number of other jobs. We are lucky.

It continually amazes me just how lucky we are to have our Oula Community.

It’s such an amazing gift we have here in Oula--we are so ripe with beautiful humans at every turn. The depth of beauty that pervades our spaces cannot be overstated. We are everywhere! The music and movement and catharsis are a deep balm. What a force we can be! There are thousands of us! And every connection is a powerful gift. 

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