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August 01, 2021 2 min read

Body. Earth. Food. Presence. Community. Truth.

I have started and restarted typing tens of times. This one is like an onion. How do I facilitate connection within myself and outwardly?

Last night in my sleep, there was this hazy thought that came to me, “Ponder what results from the lack of connection.” And in my drowsy state, the next thought that followed was, “We can see it all around us.” We could spend time there but let’s focus on what we can do in this world to be-the-change.

 A vehicle that helps to facilitate connection like Oula does, is desperately needed. And when I think about what it “takes” to MAKE CONNECTION it seems to involve our senses (more than one equals greater connection). With Oula, we use touch, sight, and hearing the most. We might sometimes even invoke smells preferably using essential oils but sweat happens! When we actually connect further (after classes sitting down enjoying a snack and hydrating) we involve more senses. In those moment, we are helping to integrate connection within our own bodies as we connect to each other.

Part of the magic of Oula comes during the messaging while we dance. These are key opportunities for each of us to share our mind space in connection with the dance and the music. Greater connection comes from saying the words or yelling the words. When instructors speak personal messages during the song or between songs, they are offering their guidance: They are connecting. Even if it’s commiseration about getting sweaty or how it feels to learn a new dance, it’s permission to be present and connect. For all of us dancing, when we make eye contact, use one another’s names, hug, or touch one another and move together, we further our connection to one another. 

One of my love languages is physical touch. Hugs are special. I’m known for slapping shoulders and backs and holding arms. Of course, not with just anyone, I have to love you to slap you (just kidding – kind of). I love to look in other people’s eyes to see where they are – are they here? Is there pain? What is needed? After much thought, empathy seems to me to be the pinnacle of connection between us. That’s the root understanding of one another. What a gift this human package is. What an opportunity we have to be creative with our senses and share what we are learning.

There must be some deep dives worth taking with this one and I look forward to hearing from the Oulaverse as we welcome our August Affirmation…When you hear #IAmConnection, where do you go?

xo Heather

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